
Deals in DealPage are an organized workspace representing your sales opportunities and accounts. Each deal has a home page with all the information you need to close the deal, including documents, contacts, and analytics. Deals can be connected to your CRM to automatically sync deal details and contacts.


  1. Stay Organized: Organize and index your email threads, meeting notes, CRM data, and shared documents for easy access.
  2. Save Time: Use AI to create and customize documents, answer questions, and automate workflows.
  3. Close Deals Faster: Track engagement and collaborate with your team to close deals faster.
Deal info

Deals work best when connected to your CRM, email, and meetings so you don’t lose any context.

At the top of the home screen for each deal, you’ll find navigation to the main pages (documents, inbox, and analytics), Action buttons to kick off workflows, and quick nav to the deal’s documents.

Deal Info

Edit the deal details such as amount and status from the top left navigation or the gear icon at the top right. View further details like contacts and line items by clicking the info circle in the top right. Most details will be automatically synced daily from your CRM if your deal is connected to one.

Deal info Deal info

Action buttons

Each button corresponds to a Workflow that can be kicked off for the deal.


Deal documents are a place to store all content and communications with an account - this typically includes meeting notes, customized collateral, and shared documents.

Deal info

Deal Context

These documents involve deal info like notes and meeting transcripts. Some of these are automatically synced from your CRM and email if the deal is connected to one.

Deal info


These are custom documents which can be edited with our AI powered document editor. The RFP and security questionnaire workflows output this type of document. You can highlight parts of text in the editor and ask for edits or revisions based on sources in your knowledge base.


Customized Templates

These are outputs of the template customization workflow. See more on templates. These can be finalized which will convert them to a PDF for sharing.


Finalized documents can be shared or sent for e-sign. Analytics are tracked when users open the document through the sharing link.


View details on views, downloads, and engagement in the Analytics tab.

Deal analytics


Your inbox will show any emails with contacts in the deal and also chats that users have started inside any shared deal documents. You can reply to emails and chats directly, or auto draft responses.
