
Paige uses resources in your DealPage Knowledge Base and your Deals to provide instant, accurate, and definitive answers to your questions.

She’ll respond instantly with relevant sources and an answer. She can format her answer in any way you need, regardless of if you need an email, set of bullet points, or a markdown table - saving you tons of valuable time.

Paige can even chain together multiple steps to find answers to complex queries.


Paige is an advanced AI Agent with the ability to understand your intent and take guided actions on your behalf. Paige is able to recursively chain the functions below to complete complex workflows like pipeline reviews, product gap analysis, meeting prep, and more.

Knowledge Base Question Answering

You can ask Paige questions about your products, competitors, and more. She will respond with the most relevant information from your knowledge base. E.g. What data centers do we use to serve European customers?

Deal Question Answering

You can ask Paige questions about the deal, like who the decision maker is, what the timeline is, and more. She will respond with the most relevant information from your CRM, email, meeting transcripts, and other connected tools. E.g. What did we demo to close our deal with Acme Corp?

Document Selection

You can ask Paige to find links to documents, like a case study, pitch deck, or contract. She will respond with links to the most relevant documents from your knowledge base. E.g. Can you find the document detailing use cases of our Slack bot?

Deal Selection

Find deals based on a flexible set of criteria like recency, deal size, customer description, revenue, number of employees, etc. E.g. What are the top 10 biggest deals we’ve worked on with healthcare customers?

Use Cases

Use cases are flexible and can be tailored to your specific needs. Paige can do whatever you ask as long as your Knowledge Base and Deals include the information she needs. Here are some common use cases:

Pipeline Reviews

Ask Paige to help you understand your current deals, risks, and opportunities. She can help you identify gaps in your pipeline, prioritize deals, and more.

E.g. “Take our top 10 in-progress deals by revenue and summarize the deals, with specific mentions of their use cases and pain points, along with any potential blockers”

Product Gap Analysis

Ask Paige to help you understand where your product is falling short. She can help you identify gaps in your product, prioritize features, and more.

E.g. “Search the last 5 deals we lost and identify product gaps in the meeting transcripts. Then categorize them and output them in a table along with the amount of revenue affected. After identifying gaps, look in our product roadmap to see if we have an estimated delivery date for those features.”

Meeting Prep

Ask Paige to help prep for meetings and calls. She can help you efficiently learn from previous opportunities (or the current one).

E.g. “Find deals with healthcare companies that we won, and summarize the products and features that were the most important. also search for the questions they asked and categorize them in a table”

E.g. “Prep me for a demo with Wordtune by finding the key points from our last meeting relating to use cases, pain points, and potential blockers. Give me some conversation starters”


Prepare for handoffs between team members. Paige can help you quickly get up to speed on a deal or account.

E.g. “Search our deal with Yodo with opportunities for upsell and account growth, then search for potential churn risks we identified. Then generate a handoff report for the account managers.”


You can interact with Paige through Slack, Chrome, or the DealPage web app.

DealPage Web App

You can chat with Paige at any time in the DealPage Web App by pressing cmd/ctrl + k or clicking the chat bar in the sidebar. Paige will save your chat sessions for later use.

Paige Chat in the web app is faster, has a better UI, and has advanced handling of workflows. You can also see a history of your past questions and answers.


You can ask Paige questions in any channel or direct message. She will respond with the most relevant information from your knowledge base or deals, based on your question.

There are 3 primary ways teams use Paige in Slack:

  1. Knowledge Base Question Answering in Shared Channel: Add Paige to a joint channel with your AEs, SDRs, and AMs. They can ask questions about your products, competitors, and more. Paige will respond with the most relevant information from your knowledge base.
  2. Deal Question Answering in Deal Channel: Add Paige to a deal channel with your AEs, SDRs, and AMs. They can ask questions about the deal, like who the decision maker is, what the timeline is, and more. Paige will respond with the most relevant information from your CRM, email, meeting transcripts, and other connected tools.
  3. Document Retrieval in Paige DM: Direct message Paige to retrieve documents, like a security questionnaire, RFP, or contract. Paige will respond with the most relevant document from your knowledge base.

Chrome Extension

If you install the DealPage chrome extension, you can chat with Paige at any time by clicking the DealPage icon in the top right corner of your browser.

You can highlight text in web forms, emails, and more to instantly have Paige answer them in the chat. This is useful for quickly getting answers to questions in emails, questionnaires, and more.

You can also kick off email workflows from inside Gmail.

Tips for Effective Use

  1. Be clear with your questions
  2. Gain more control by naming specific functions (e.g. “Use document search…”)
  3. Maintain your knowledge base. Ensure it has adequate coverage to get the best results.

Improve the Responses

We make it easy to iteratively test and improve the model’s responses. Click the thumbs up or thumbs down button on the response to provide feedback. This feedback is used to improve the model’s responses over time. You can also edit the responses and add to your Verified Answers library to instantly improve outputs.


Paige isn’t responding. What can I do?

  • If you are messaging Paige within a shared Slack channel, make sure you are tagging her in the message you want her to respond to with @Paige
  • Try reconnecting the Slack bot from the DealPage app. This fixes most issues
  • Ensure you have the right permissions to ask questions. You’ll need access to source documents to get answers based off of the content in those documents.

Paige isn’t providing answers from a document I know is in the knowledge base.

  • Ensure you have the right permissions to ask questions. You’ll need access to source documents to get answers based off of the content in those documents.

How do I set up the Paige Slack Bot?

  • Navigate to the integrations page on the DealPage app. Connect your Slack application, and add the Paige bot. You may need your Slack Workspace Admin’s approval to add the app.

Can I add Paige in Slack channels?

  • Yes, you can add Paige to Slack channels. Typing @Paige in the message with your question lets Paige know you need her input. You can also DM Paige directly by clicking the Paige Slack App, and navigating to messages. ‍