Templates are reusable versions of pitch decks, proposals, etc. that can be personalized for each client. To make part of the template personalizable, replace it with a variable and provide a default value. The default value will be used as a guide for the personalization. If no default value is provided, then the model will generate with more creative decisioning. You can also provide custom instructions that guide the tone or what to search for with each variable.


There are 5 types of variables, each with different syntax.


These will be replaced with plain text. Useful for titles, address lines, or smaller phrases.



These start with a % and will be replaced with an image. Images from your content library will be searched, as well as the images from the deal such as contact pictures and client logos.



Loop variables have the below syntax will be replaced with a dynamic number of items. Useful for order forms, dyanmic tables, and lists.



Object variables have the . delimiter and are group related variables together, and are processed at the same time. Use this when you want related variables to be grouped and have related logic.



HTML variables start with a ~~ are replaced with rich text from the model. Useful for longer sections of a proposal where you need rich text formatting.



Below is an example page with all variable types and how they look when run through a workflow.